Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Trivial Tuesday

Oh, for like two seconds I was thinking today was Monday. Dear lord, I need a nap... or caffeine. The second one is more likely to happen than the first. For some insanely stupid reason, I woke up at one am this morning and didn't fall back asleep until after three. uhg! So Boozer and I snuggled and watched some of season 6 of 'Friends'. (I have a sick obsession with this show... it's my favorite :) So needless to say, I'm draggin' today. Did I mention that once Kurt realized that I was awake, it was on... he was in the bedroom talking to me like every ten minutes. Which kept my mind going and made it harder to fall back asleep. I love the man, but sometimes opposite shifts rub me the wrong way. He's on 2-10 this week. He worked 4p-2a last week and I've had enough of not seeing him. It's annoying. This past weekend was soooo busy with housework, cooking, birthday party, clean up, laundry, and yard work... that the most time I spent with him was while watching movies. I genuinely miss him. He might be going up north to Troy's this weekend for a work weekend, that I think by Sunday I'll be going crazy. We'll see what happens.
This week is nutso for me at work. My company is hosting our annual A/C Seminar this Thursday night. Which means I've been prepping for this for weeks. I've got 50 people coming. I've ordered food, rented a grill, rented a hall, put together goodie bags & seminar information packs, blah blah blah.... I'm ready for it to be over. I'll start work at 7:45a on Thursday and won't get home until after 11p. I need a day off.
We are thinking about taking a long weekend on the 9th of May. There is a fun motel in Cecil, WI that has an indoor pool w/ pool side rooms. We were supposed to be going out of town that weekend anyway for a family wedding... but since we're not, we might as well go and do something fun as a family. Hopefully that will work out for us.
Back to the grind...

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